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The Black Myths Podcast

Apr 22, 2021

For part 1, we sit down with Mikaela Nhondo Erskog, a researcher for the Tricontinental Institute for Social Research, to discuss the prevalent myth of China colonizing Africa. We discuss neocolonialism, the accusations of colonialism against China, what's actually happening on the ground between China and Africa, and a brief history of China's policy in Africa since China became independent. This episode is a continuation of our discussion about Black myths outside of the border of America.

Mikaela Nhondo Erskog is an educator and researcher who works in Pan Africanism Today, a working-class, movement-driven education and solidarity organisation based in Johannesburg, South Africa. She currently works in the interregional office of the Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research and is part of DongSheng News, an international collective of researchers interested in Chinese politics & society (Subscribe for the "News on China: Africa Weekly" here). She is also on the coordination committee of No Cold War, a peace platform pushing for maximum global cooperation, in a moment where the US governments’ aggressive policies and actions against nations like China, threatens the interests of humanity as a whole.

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